These bags have to hold a Mustang survival suit, boots, an extra pair of shoes, foul weather gear, a sleeping bag, a satellite beacon, a few books (including Roald Amundsen's two volume Northwest Passage: Being the Record of Exploration of the Ship "Gjoa") a bunch of camera gear, a laptop and extra hard drive and, finally, with what room is left, clothes for two months. With no washer I'm afraid the few articles I'll be taking won't be fit for salvage when I return.
Thank goodness the liquor is already onboard the boat.
Once I am underway next week, I invite my ham radio friends to listen on the daily Maritime Mobile Ham Network on 14.3 MHz (operates 1900-0300 UTC). I'll be joining on at least some evenings during the two month trip. My callsign is KJ4ITA.
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